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UAE e-Invoicing Public Consultation Now Open

UAE e-Invoicing Public Consultation Now Open


As businesses gradually gear up towards the monumental e-Invoicing initiative in the UAE, the Ministry of Finance has marked an important checkpoint in the e-Invoicing journey by officially launching the public consultation process with the publication of the e-Invoicing Data Dictionary document.

The consultation period will remain open until the deadline for the submission, being 27th February 2025. This is a unique opportunity for businesses to have their voice heard and contribute to the successful rollout of e-Invoicing in the UAE. This feedback shall help shape the future of this important initiative and ensuring it meets the needs of all stakeholders involved.

UAE e-Invoicing Key Elements

  • Blueprint of the UAE’s e-Invoicing framework – outlining the UAE’s adoption of the Decentralized Continuous Transaction Control and Exchange (DCTCE) model, which is an advanced electronic invoicing system utilizing decentralized technologies to improve the efficiency, security, and transparency of transaction processing.
  • Introduction & overview of the Data Dictionary - a comprehensive list of all the data elements used in creating, sharing, processing, and reporting e-Invoices. These elements are crucial for supporting every stage of the e-Invoicing process, ensuring that all necessary information is captured, organized, and structured to facilitate smooth and compliant e-Invoicing.
  • Key areas of focus for stakeholders – encompassing the critical aspects of feedback to draw attention to by stakeholders, with the objective of improving the Data Dictionary through the consultation.
  • Detailed attributes for sample invoice cases – covering the comprehensive mandatory & optional fields for 15 sample use cases of e-Invoicing.
  • Stay tuned as Andersen in the UAE works to simplify the complexity of this significant paper for you - breaking down what this means for your compliance and how it impacts your journey towards ensuring smooth and successful e-Invoicing implementation.

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